Library for All – we supported 50 libraries across Poland
50 libraries from all over Poland implemented the project “Library for All. Different. Equal. Important.” and went through a makeover to enable children and adolescents, both from Ukraine and Poland, to learn, play, build relationships with one another, and regain a sense of security in a difficult reality. The project was implemented by the Information Society Development Foundation (FRSI) in partnership with Save the Children Poland.
“It was a difficult project; the libraries were spread from the sea to the mountains all over Poland. But you did it! Cooperation with FRSI was a pleasure, and we all learned a lot from it,” summed up the project Małgorzata Stodulna, education program manager from Save the Children Poland.
The aim of the project was to support children and adolescents, who came from Ukraine to Poland in continuing their education at Ukrainian online schools, as well as in adapting to the Polish education system and building relationships in their new environment. “The program was especially important for the children, who are out of school system. They had a chance to meet with their peers and integrate into society,” said Jacek Królikowski, president of the Information Society Development Foundation (FRSI). The number of Ukrainian children who are out of school system is estimated to be as high as 150 000.
Libraries participating in the project were supported financially, participated in training sessions, and received equipment necessary for the implementation of the program (interactive robots and tablets, music and educational sets, etc.). They were supported with funds to not only employ people from Ukraine, but also to support their staff. Many librarians took part in an intensive Ukrainian course.
Libraries also organized Digital Learning Centers for children and adolescents from Ukraine continuing their education in Ukrainian online schools, where students can get teachers’ support in the classroom, integrate, and contact their peers in person with their peers, or help them with their homework if they also attend Polish schools.
We had a chance to attend an event organized by Information Society Development Foundation (FRSI) and together sum up the project with librarians from all over Poland, who met in Warsaw. The atmosphere was lively and cheerful, and the room was bustling. It was a time of celebration while also exchanging experiences. They shared stories, like the one about children who, at the beginning, preferred to work with their hands, do some DIY, and play because this can be done without speaking and this helped some of them to overcome their language barriers.
“Children can feel like children here; just play and be happy," said Olha, who works at the library in Zakopane.
“At school, you have to write and read; here, you can do everything,” said Olena*, who took part in activities in the library in Ustka.
It was a pleasure to meet and see the results of such an important project.